HF325-2 Hi-Fi Tuner modul


HF325 hører til blandt de bedste FM-tunere i denne bog. Der er tale om en videreudvikling af HF310, hvor der er gjort ekstra meget ud af følsomheden, og hvor der er en række ekstra features. HF325 har således variabel MUTING, S-METER udgang og AFC-KONTROL. MUTING’en kan indstilles således at kun kraftige stationer høres, og så der ikke er sus mellem stationerne. S-METER udgangen viser stationsstyrken.

Tekniske data:

  • Driftspænding: 12-18 V DC
  • Strømforbrug: 50mA
  • Tuningområde plus/minus 10%: 87,5-108 MHz
  • Følsomhed typ.v.26 dB/SN-df40 kHz: 1 uV
  • Følsomhed min.v.26 dB/SN-df40 kHz: 1,4 uV
  • Udgangsspænding LF (df = 40 kHz/1 kHz): 200 mV
  • Forvrængning LF (df = 40 kHz /1 kHz): 0,18%
  • Mellemfrekvensdæmpning: 100 dB
  • Spejlselektion: 35 dB


6 thoughts on “HF325-2 Hi-Fi Tuner modul

    1. Hi Stefanos!

      L4 is a simple 22uH inductance, according to the datasheet of CA3089.
      L2 and L3 are 10,7 MHz IF cans, core colour “Orange”, usually 1st IF selection in FM radio receivers.
      L1 should work with 2 of L2 “back to back”, where the 2pin-sides are interconnected, the 3pin sides to the pcb, middle pins cut, but care that tapping soldering remains intact.

      Regards, Lou

  1. Dear Gentleman

    Would it be necessary to have the nomenclature of the components for the HF 325-2 kits

    Best regards


  2. Hello all!

    Beware! In the picture and in the gerber files “R3” is named twice! That one R3 below IC2 (connecting IC3 to ‘+’ via the printed coil) in fact is R29 with 10 Ohms!
    R3 in the vicinity of R4 R5 (upper left corner)
    remains with 4k7.
    I just ordered a small handful of PCB and since IC3 SD6000 is hard to get, I think it could be replaced with a FET Tetrode like BF 961, BF964, BF981 or the like.

    R17 and R18 aren’t named, too, but according to the datasheet they’re defined with 8k2 (R18) and 3k (R17).
    In case using a single L1 circuit, R18 would be 3k9, no R17 used. These shunts depend on the Q (~75) of the L1 circuitry. You may experiment with your individual parts you’ve got.

    Regards, Lou

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