HF310-2 – FM tuner modul


HF310 er et standard FM-Tuner modul til stereodekoder. Som andre tunere afgiver den ent standardiseret lavfrekvens udgangssignal på 250 mV. Det er tilstrækkeligt til at udstyre en forstærker.

NB: Jostykit logoet er ikke indeholdt i gerberfilerne!

Tekniske data:

  • Driftspænding: 12-55V DC
  • Strømforbrug: 22mA
  • Tuningsområde: 87,5-108 MHz
  • Følsomhed 26 dB ved df=40 kHz/75 Ohm: 1,8-2,5 uV
  • Følsomhed for -3 dB begrænsning: 0,6 uV
  • Signal/støjforhold Din 45 500: min 60 dB
  • Selektivitet IHF: min. 35 dB
  • Frekvensområde DIN 45 500: 20-15.000 Hz
  • Harmonisk forvrængning DIN 45 500: 0,6%/1kHz
  • Stereo kanaladskillelse DIN 45 500: 35 dB (*)
  • Pilottoneundertrykkelse 19/38 kHz: 22/35 dB (*)

(*) Stereo kræver HF330 stereodekoderen.


14 thoughts on “HF310-2 – FM tuner modul

  1. I used to have this receiver back in the late eighties or early nineties, but lost it somewhere on moving homeplaces.

    If someone wants this PCB made with these gerber files, I had ordered a handful, they’re good quality. Leave me a note here with Email please.

    Receiver still in construction here…

    Would like to know which type of varicap were originally used, someone got a hint?
    IC2 is a TBA120S, not a S041P like in first Version. If you want to use S041P/E then have a look at datasheets to see the difference! Remember AF has no preamplification then, so the AF level might be critical to Stereo Decoder. T1 might be BF199, BF494 or BF241.
    L1 L2 could be from scratch radios, I’ll try “Orange” and “Green” on both positions. Hard to get these filter cans…
    If no stereo decoder is used, R10 may be some kOhms, even L2 might be reversed with resonant circuit direct at pin 7 and 9.

    Regards, Lou

    1. Dear Lou,
      I would like to get the PCB for building the HF310 tuner
      Please tell me how to proceed.
      kind regards.

        1. Hi Lou,
          Thank you for your interest.
          I apologize. I have a very old email, lately it has been working poorly, sometimes it doesn’t send and other times I don’t receive the emails.
          I sent you an email last week, Thursday 18th. I try again, one to each address. I hope this time they arrive.

  2. I used to have this receiver back in the late eighties or early nineties, but lost it somewhere on moving homeplaces.

    If someone wants this PCB made with these gerber files, I had ordered a handful, they’re good quality. Leave me a note here with Email please.

    Receiver still in construction here…

    Would like to know which type of varicap were originally used, someone got a hint?
    IC2 is a TBA120S, not a S041P like in first Version. If you want to use S041P/E then have a look at datasheets to see the difference! Remember AF has no preamplification then, so the AF level might be critical to Stereo Decoder. T1 might be BF199, BF494 or BF241.
    L1 L2 could be from scratch radios, I’ll try “Orange” and “Green” on both positions. Hard to get these filter cans…
    If no stereo decoder is used, R10 may be some kOhms, even L2 might be reversed with resonant circuit direct at pin 7 and 9.

    Regards, Lou

  3. Yesterday I completed the receiver and aligned the circuits. Synchronisation is perfect! It works fantastic. Got more than a dozen Radio stations with no antenna attached and about as twice the number with a short whip of 70cm.
    Changed R14 from 220k to 470k to dampen a bit the AFC, which I personally found too strong. Changed R12 to 22k to restore the lower band edge with 108MHz at the high band edge by C18.

    Used two BB221 wich are nearly similar to BB142 used in the kit.

    A receiver truly worth to build!

    Best regards!

  4. I picked up an original unbuilt kit last week at a HAM Fair,
    Started putting it together tonight, all going well so far,

    I will finish it off tomorrow, Looking forward to seeing how it performs.


    1. Hi Dave!
      Lucky you!
      Have fun on completing that receiver.
      Is it first version with S041P or second version with TBA120S?

      Regards, Lou

  5. Good evening Lou, i have the Second version with the TBA120S.

    I am goingnto Replace some of theboldnpolyester capacitors, they are just about falling apart.

    1. Hi Dave!
      I encountered similar with the contact caps from the ½W resistors, used in Philips electronic construction kits from the 70ies. They look very much the like used in Josty Kit! Maybe you’ll test every resistor, too.

      Regards, Lou

  6. Dear Lou!

    If there is a free PCB for the HF310-2 tuner that you would sell to me, I would be grateful. How much would the shipping and pcb price be if you are willing to deliver it to me in Hungary. If possible, then I will not manufacture the pcb.
    Thank you István Angyal HA 73

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